Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with MeMe & Pop!

Camden had a great
First Christmas! Time with
family was wonderful!
We really enjoyed seeing
the joy in his eyes as we
watch him play with all of
his new toys. Can't believe
our baby will be a year old

We have listened to
Curious George
play over and over
and over. Camden
loves to dance to the
music and he lets
you know when he is
ready to hear it again!

Camden & Pop
playing with the
train. Camden knows
how to use the
controller just like
Pop does!
Getting some love
from Memaw!

Christmas at Yia Yia & Papou's!!

Camden loves the truck Yia & Papou gave him.
Daddy kind of likes it too!

Camden gets lots of love from his cousins, Ansley & Kathryn.
Camden peeking
into YiaYia's present!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rock A Bye Baby!

This weekend we went to the beach & did some Christmas shopping with MeMe & Pop.
Pop rocked Camden to sleep in the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrell.


Ok, I know it is a little late but we had a sick lion on Halloween so we had to
wait for a better day to debut this precious little lion. Camden was a great sport
for the photo shoot! Roarrrr!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall Is Here!!!

The weather is nice and Camden loves to be outside. He likes to sit in the grass and ride around the neighborhood in his little red car.

Best Buds

These days Camden spends a lot of time crawling
around the house chasing after his friend Zach. Zach is a very good sport. He even lets Camden pull his hair.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mmm! Squash is my favorite!

Watch out ladies!

Look at me! Sitting up all by myself!

September 20, 2008

I can't believe our little man is 7 months old. What a wonderful 7 months it has been. Camden has brought such joy to our lives. It is so amazing to watch him as he learns and does new things each day. He is sitting up on his own now. He has two teeth and he is just about to figure out how to crawl. Boy, will we be in for it now. He loves to watch our dog Zach and squeals in excitement when Zach enters the room. Here is a glimpse of our little guy.